
I was glad when they said to me, “Let us go to the house of the LORD!”
– Psalm 122:1

our services

9:30am morning worship

Worship is a holy conversation: the Lord speaks and we respond. The main service is a joyful, Scipture-filled service of worship in which the Holy Spirit lifts us up into the presence of Christ our King.

4:30pm Catechism Service

A catechism is a tried and true method of passing the faith down from one generation to another. In this service, we learn the great doctrines of Holy Scripture, guided by the Heideberg Catechism (1563), one of the great doctrinal statements of the Reformation.

our name


We’re Madison Reformed Church because we love our community, many of us having grown up here. We love the people and places of the Ohio River Valley, and we want our neighbors to know that this is a church for them.


We’re Madison Reformed Church because we are heirs of the Protestant Reformation, the greatest recovery of the Gospel and Christian worship in church history. We’re a church plant of the United Reformed Churches in North America , a federation united in our confession of Christ, reformed according to the Word of God, and churches built up by the Holy Spirit. What’s Reformed? It means we subscribe to the Three Forms of Unity , historical confessions of faith that faithfully summarize the teaching of holy Scripture. It means our worship, piety, and practice are reformed according to God’s Word.


We’re Madison Reformed Church because we are a local expression of the house that Christ built. We believe everything that the Lord’s prophets and apostles wrote down for us in Scripture, and that all of it testifies to Jesus Christ and him crucified. For these reasons, we gratefully confess the ancient creeds of the historic Christian faith— the Apostles’, Nicene, and Athanasian Creeds.

our approach

What is your worship service like?

Our worship is filled with Scripture because we believe the Spirit promises to use the Word to save and transform us. And so the Word of God is read, prayed, preached, and sung. And all of this is in the context of a holy conversation between God and his people—what Christians have often called a liturgy, which just refers to our order of worship. Given that Christ is the center of Scripture, you can also trust that you will hear the Gospel of grace each week. It alone answers the condemnation of God’s Law and empowers us to begin keeping that Law. In short, we are joyfully God-centered.

How should I dress?

We encourage you to dress in a manner that prepares you to worship with both body and soul. The way we dress affects our mental state – no one puts on formal attire if they want to relax! – so ask yourself, “What kind of clothing will best prepare me to receive God’s word and respond to it with reverence and joy?” Using wisdom, some may decide to wear jeans and others, a dress or suit.

what do you offer children?

The gospel. Our children need the gospel, and they need to learn how to worship. And so it is our goal to provide a worship context in which families train their children to pray, sing, and listen right along with us. We bear with the noise and spur one another on, and the result—over time—is that our kids learn to worship. Parents are welcome to make use of a space in the back area where there are toys and books, in case a breather is needed. But, overall, we warmly welcome children in Christ's name. Jesus welcomed children into his embrace. May it never be that Christ's churches turn them away.

Our Pastor

Pastor Collin Welch was born and raised in Madison. He and his wife, Nicole, have two kids—Calvin and Ingrid. After graduating from MCHS (‘08), Collin thought the Lord was leading him into filmmaking. But instead, doors have opened again and again into pastoral ministry. During a time of searching, he discovered the riches of the historic Protestant and Reformed Christian faith and attended Westminster Seminary California, graduating in May 2020. He loves his family, hometown, and ministering God’s Word in the Ohio River Valley.

The Congregation